Why Both Physical and Mental Wellness Matter

By Regina Akhmadullina, M.A.
VP of Training at MUUD Health

We all know that our body and mind are interconnected. However, do we really pay equal attention to each of those? We invite you to reflect on how much time you dedicate to each of those components of overall well-being:

  • Physical health & wellness (How many minutes/hours do you spend on it per day?)

  • Mental health & wellness (How many minutes/hours do you spend on it per day?)

If you take a closer look, we all spend much more time and effort to maintain our physical body in good health, good appearance to others, getting proper nutrition and a safe environment. We all have some kind of daily routine to support our physical health and physical hygiene as we are trying to maintain our overall well-being.

However, mental health and wellness are often overlooked; by the time most of us start paying attention to it, we find ourselves in some kind of crysis such as stress, burnout, loneliness, problems at work or with close relationships, etc.

In short, when it comes to mental health & wellness, our actions are reactive rather than proactive.

At MUUD Health we believe in an integrative approach to wellness and we strive to “normalize” the notion that proactively taking care of your mental health is just as important as maintaining a healthy body.

Those essential components of overall well-being refer to different aspects of health and require different approaches for maintenance and improvement.

Here is a quick breakdown:

Physical Wellness:

Definition: Physical wellness refers to the state of overall health, including proper nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Focus: It primarily focuses on the body's physical state and its ability to function optimally.

Benefits: Physical wellness contributes to increased energy levels, better cardiovascular health, stronger immunity, improved muscular strength and flexibility, and overall longevity.

Practices: Activities promoting physical wellness include regular exercise routine, balanced diet, adequate sleep, medical check-ups, and some time spent outdoors with fresh air.

Mental Wellness:

Definition: Mental wellness, also known as emotional or psychological wellness, refers to the state of emotional and mental well-being. It involves how we think, feel, and cope with daily stressors.

Focus: It emphasizes emotional resilience, positive self-esteem, managing stress effectively, and maintaining healthy relationships.

Benefits: Mental wellness contributes to improved cognitive function, better decision-making abilities, enhanced relationships, greater overall happiness, and reduced risk of mental health disorders.

Practices: Practices promoting mental wellness include mindfulness and meditation; therapy, counseling, or health & wellness coaching when needed; stress management techniques, engaging in hobbies, spending time in nature, building a supportive social network, and becoming a contributing member in your community.

We invite you to further reflect on the relationship between physical and mental wellness:

Interdependence: Physical and mental wellness are interconnected; improvements in one area often benefit the other. For example, regular exercise not only improves physical health but also releases endorphins that positively affect mood.

Holistic Approach: Achieving overall well-being requires a holistic approach that addresses both physical and mental aspects. Neglecting one can lead to imbalances that impact overall health negatively.

Challenges: Challenges in one area (e.g., chronic illness affecting physical health) can affect mental wellness, highlighting the need for integrated care approaches.

In conclusion, while physical and mental wellness are distinct, they are equally vital for a healthy and fulfilling life. Balancing both through appropriate practices and seeking professional help when needed can significantly enhance overall well-being.

If you would like to learn more, contact us!


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